This blog began as a compilation of talks and lessons given at BYU in a singles ward and stake. Slowly I continue to add talks and lessons I've been blessed to give. This talk is given in Korovou, Fiji. It is a small branch of about 50 members who attend regularly. It sits on top of a hill overlooking a large jungle area of Fiji. You can see the ocean in the distance and acres and acres of forested jungle. It's the most beautiful setting I've been able to attend church.
September 15, 2019
June, while we were still in China, a
new branch president was called. The
week following his sustaining, he spoke to our branch and gave us 3
challenges. He asked us to have a loving
heart, to notice the daily miracles in our lives and to write them down and to
pray for more and he asked us to help in the gathering of Israel. Today I would like to talk to you about
miracles. Miracles happen daily in our
lives if we have faith and if we will ask for them. Sometimes they are so small that we don’t see
them. The challenge to notice the daily
miracles has been an eye opener for me.
I must admit, that I haven’t been able to always see a miracle every
day. But when I stop and look and pay
attention I have noticed that there are many miracles that happen in our
lives. Sometimes we receive miracles and
sometimes we are instrumental in others receiving miracles.
On the
church web site Miracles is defined as an extraordinary event caused by the power of God. Miracles
should not be regarded as deviations from the ordinary course of nature so much
as manifestations of divine or spiritual power.
Miracles were and are a response to faith and its best encouragement.
read that to say…yes miracles can be an extraordinary act of God’s power but
even the most simplest act from God should be seen as a miracle which comes as
a result of our faith and prayers.
the Book of Mormon, Moroni said, Mormon
11 But behold, I will show unto you
a God of miracles,
even the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and
it is that same God
who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are.
2 Nephi
23 For behold, I am God; and I am a
God of miracles;
and I will show unto the world
that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work
not among the children of men save it be according
to their faith.
Throughout the scriptures we have
read of miracles; the parting of the Red Sea when Moses and the Israelites were
escaping their bondage from Egypt. Daniel,
when placed in the lions den was able to
walk about unharmed. When the Savior was
on the earth he performed countless miracles, changing the water to wine,
raising Lazareth from the dead, making the blind see and the lame walk. He
walked on the water and he calmed the stormy sea. Nephi was able to retrieve the brass plates
from Laban—indeed that was a miracle as well.
And when an angel appeared unto Alma and the sons of Mosiah, this was
also a miracle and their hearts were changed.
These valiant sons of God performed many miracles as they taught the Lamanites
and converted hundreds. And in our
dispensation of time, we continue to see mighty miracles beginning when God the
Father and Jesus Christ appeared to young boy, even Joseph Smith in a grove of
trees. Joseph Smith was instrumental in
bringing forth the Book of Mormon and restoring Jesus Christ’s church here on
the earth. All miracles performed by the
hand of God.
So if God is the same yesterday, today
and forever, then he must still be a God of Miracles. And we can have miracles performed in our
said: 19 And if there were miracles
wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of miracles and yet be an
unchangeable Being? And behold, I say unto you he changeth
not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a
God of miracles.
God is a God of miracles during the
Old Testament time. He was a God of
Miracles during the Book of Mormon times.
He was a God of Miracles thoughout the life of the Savior, Jesus
Christ. And he is a God of Miracles
today. Some of the miracles today are
just as in times of old. They are extraordinary
events but some are also small and simple according to our needs and desires.
There are many
things that constitute a miracle. Pres.
Kimball said that forgiveness was a miracle. He told of an experience he had in
helping a woman who came to him feeling despondent about the sin she had
committed. She said: “I know what I have done. I have read the scriptures, and
I know the consequences. I know that I am damned and can never be forgiven, and
therefore why should I try now to repent?”
President Kimball responded:
“My dear sister, you do not know the scriptures. You do not know the power of
God nor his goodness. You can be forgiven for this heinous sin, but it
will take much sincere repentance to accomplish it.”
He then quoted to her
several scriptures regarding the forgiveness that comes to those who sincerely
repent and obey God’s commandments. Continuing to instruct her, he saw hope
awaken in her until finally she exclaimed: “Thank you, thank you! I believe
you. I shall really repent and wash my filthy garments in the blood of the Lamb
and obtain that forgiveness.”
President Kimball recalled that the woman eventually
returned to his office “a new person—bright of eye, light of
step, full of hope as she declared to me that, since that memorable day when
hope had seen a star and had clung to it, she had never reverted to [the sin]
nor any approaches to it.”2 What a great example how forgiveness is definitely
a miracle. Through repentance and
forgiveness we can become a new person.
That is truly a miracle.
Many of you may have seen the faith
of a young child who prays to help him/her find a lost item. The miracle occurred when the lost item was
found. I saw that in our home just a few
months ago. Our 5 year-old grandson,
Kyson, had lost a small ball and had searched everywhere for it, but to no
avail. Soon he said, “I know!” And then I saw him go behind the couch and
kneel in prayer. It was just a couple of
minutes after ending his short prayer, that he found his small ball. We may think that God isn’t concerned with
small balls, but he is concerned with the souls of his children and even his grown
children. Kyson learned that day, that
God loves him and he learned that he can turn to his Heavenly Father in prayer
whenever and wherever needed and God will send the miracle of answering prayers
in his behalf. I hope we all know and have
experienced the miracle of prayer for through prayers miracles come to be.
I am sure many of
you have seen the miracles that happen when we pay our tithing. Brother Culhulacán of Mexico told this story:
I had been a member of the Church for only one month when I paid my first full
tithe. I was the only member in my family, and tithing was complicated for my
family to understand. My mother discouraged me from paying tithing and wanted
me to give her the money instead.
One day before work, I realized that there was no
food in the refrigerator and I’d have to buy something to eat. I didn’t have
any money with me, so I asked my mom to lend me money for lunch. She refused
and said I didn’t have money because I had paid my tithing.
I went to get my Book of
Mormon and told her that this book would give me my nourishment for the day—my spiritual nourishment. I
opened it in front of my mother and found 100 pesos (enough to buy some lunch)
tucked inside. It was a miracle—I hadn’t put that money in my scriptures. I learned
a great lesson: although challenges and temptations are everywhere, I will
always be blessed as I pay a full tithe and keep the commandments.
Elder Bednar told
the following story: Sister Bednar’s mother is a faithful woman and an inspired
homemaker. From the earliest days of her marriage, she carefully has kept the
household financial records. For decades she has accounted conscientiously for
the family income and expenditures using very simple ledgers. The information
she has collected over the years is comprehensive and informative.
When Sister Bednar was a
young woman, her mother used the data in the ledgers to emphasize basic
principles of provident living and prudent home management. One day as they
reviewed together various categories of expenses, her mother noted an
interesting pattern. The costs for doctor visits and medicines for their family
were far lower than might have been expected. She then related this finding to
the gospel of Jesus Christ and explained to her daughter a powerful truth: as
we live the law of tithing, we often receive significant but subtle blessings
that are not always what we expect and easily can be overlooked. The family had
not received any sudden or obvious additions to the household income. Instead,
a loving Heavenly Father had bestowed simple blessings in seemingly ordinary
I know that tithing miracles don’t
always produce money…but I do know that if we pay our tithing, we will have
miracles in our lives as we need them. We
will have the windows of Heaven opened to us as they pour blessings down from
Your miracle may be as simple as
being at the right place at the right time.
I want to tell you about an incident that happened to us while in
China. It was a Sunday afternoon or
early evening of the last week we were there. We had been in our apartment working on some
things when Elder Roper said he was needing a walk. I said, I was just about done with some items
and when finished we could go. It took
me 5 or 10 minutes to finish what I was doing but by then he was busy doing
something else. So maybe 30 minutes
later we finally left to go out for a little walk. We walked down the street to the main area of
town. There were many people out walking
the streets as normal. But on this
particular day, as we walked down the street I thought one of my students was
walking towards us. You must realize
that the students all lived about 40 minutes away from our apartment so we didn’t
usually see our students in our part of town.
As we got closer, I could tell it was him. We approached Darren and he gave me a big hug
and then he introduced me to his parents who were in town that day only and
they had come up to our area to do some shopping. I was able to meet them and
let them know what a privilege it had been for me to teach their son and tell
them what a great young man he was. It
was a small thing. But it meant a lot to
me and I believe it meant a lot to them.
If we had gone out earlier, we would not have crossed paths with Darren
and his parents. We were at the right
place at the right time.
I’d like to share another
experience. One day while traveling on
the subway in China a middle-aged man approached us and said hello. He began to talk with us about where we were
going. Elder Roper complimented him on
his English skills. This man told us
that he was an English teacher. We then
found out that he taught at the university right next to where we lived. We told him that we taught English at XISU. He told us that he had been a student at XISU
30 years previous. That was great and
interesting but then he said. When he
was a student there, he had an English teacher from America. We told him we were from America. Then he said she was from UTAH. We were in awe at this point and we said, we
were from UTAH. Then he said she was
from BYU. And we said, we were from
BYU. He proceeded to tell us how this
teacher had influenced his life. He had
gone to America to attend school. When
he finished, he went to Utah to see this teacher. She had shown him around Salt Lake City and
Temple Square and BYU. Thirty years
later he remembered this teacher and the influence she had on his life. Xian, the city where we lived, is a city of
10-12 million people. The chances of
running into this man, were very, very slim.
Yet we met him and learned the impact a teacher in the same program we
were in had on him. To us, that was a
miracle. It gave us hope that maybe we could
make a difference in the lives of the students we were teaching. It taught us the importance of the program we
worked in. It was a miracle.
I see it, the simple blessings we receive in life are miracles. God blesses us not only in our daily lives
but hour by hour. We receive countless
blessings. I see these blessings as
miracles. They are God’s love for us and
all His children. We only need to have
faith in Him, keep his commandments and he will pour out miracles upon our
heads, into our hands, into our lives. The
miracle may be a change of heart, or the ability to cope with trials that lay
before us. The miracle may be patience
or courage. The miracle may be a greater
love for others. The miracle may be an
extraordinary event but more likely it will come as a small and simple
thing. And we know that by small and
simple things, great things come to pass.
am grateful for the miracles that happen in my life. I encourage all of us to look daily for those
miracles, to record them—because if we don’t we tend to forget—and to pray for them. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us more
than we can comprehend. He is waiting for the opportunity to pour out miracles
upon us because he is a God of Miracles.
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