Sunday, October 2, 2011

What's most important to you?

Bishop Roper asked me to speak in sacrament meeting on September 11, 2011.  My assignment topic was a talk given by Julie B. Beck in 2009 to institute and seminary teachers.  It was reprinted in the March 2011 Ensign and titled, Teaching the Doctrine of the Family.  It was a great talk and I did a lot of pondering on it as well as reading other talks with the same topic.  Here is the talk I gave:

This being the 10-year anniversary on the attack of the Twin Towers, I’ve been watching the many stories of this event in the last couple of days.

Last night I watched a story where Matt Lauer interviewed a 10-year old boy whose father was a fire fighter and died trying to save others.  This young boy broke down and cried.  He’d lost his father.  A man he loved and looked up to.  I realized that’s what families are.  They are mothers and fathers and children who love each other.  They support and strengthen each other.  They teach each other.  They are patient and forgiving.  Families are the fundamental units of society.  This attack on the US was an attack on families.  It tore apart hundreds of families.  I’ve seen many stories in the past two days—“My son was only 24.”  “My daughter had so much going for her.”  “My husband didn’t deserve to die.”  And on and on. 

Then I thought about our world today.  Families are also being attacked but internally by unseen forces—forces that sneak up and tear them apart emotionally. 

On September 23, 1995 Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley addressed the women of the church at the General Relief Society Broadcast.  He entitled his remarks, “Stand Strong against the Wiles of the World.”  As he concluded his remarks he said,

With so much of sophistry that is passed off as truth, with so much of deception concerning standards and values, with so much of allurement and enticement to take on the slow stain of the world, we have felt to warn and forewarn.  In furtherance of this we of the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles now issue a proclamation to the Church and to the world as a declaration and reaffirmation of standards, doctrines, and practices relative to the family, which the prophets, seers, and revelators of this church have repeatedly stated throughout its history. I now take the opportunity of reading to you this proclamation:
He then read what we know now to be The Family: A Proclamation to the World”.  I was at the meeting.  I remember well when he said that they were issuing a proclamation to the church and to the world that I perked right up and wanted to hear what this was all about. 

As he concluded he said:

The strength of any nation is rooted within the walls of its homes. We urge our people everywhere to strengthen their families in conformity with these time-honored values.

This proclamation is still viewed as very important and is a warning to all.   The church views families as such an important unit in society that in the new handbook, the first chapter is entitled: “Families and the Church in God’s Plan”.  I love this chapter and would encourage all of you to go to the church’s web site and read this chapter.  The first two sentences say, “The family is ordained of God.  It is the most important unit in time and in eternity.”   This is God’s plan, to come to earth, gain a body, prove our worthiness to be in his presence and to keep his commandments and ultimately return to live with him again.  BUT we cannot accomplish this alone.  We need the Savior and his atonement and we need our families.  The handbook also says, “As part of our Heavenly Father’s plan, we were born into families.  He established families to bring us happiness, to help us learn correct principles in a loving atmosphere, and to prepare us for eternal life.”  It’s a training ground.  I think we could say that we cannot return to God’s presence without families.   Parents are responsible to teach their children the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The church has the responsibility to support and strengthen the family and provide the means where the gospel can be taught.  It provides the priesthood authority to perform the ordinances of salvation and exaltation.  Without the family, God’s plan does not work.  Without the family, there is no plan.

 From the Proclamation and this 1st chapter we learn several things.  I have picked out 10 things:

            1. We are children of Heavenly Father
            2. We existed with Him as spirits before this earthly life
            3. We have earthly experiences so we can progress and become more like our Heavenly Father
            4. Marriage is between a man and a woman
            5. Marriage is an essential part of God’s plan and we can only obtain exaltation in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom when we have faithfully lived the gospel and are sealed in the temple to our companion & family.
            6. We are responsible to have children and to rear them in righteousness—to love them, to develop relationships with them, to teach them about Jesus Christ—The commandment given to Adam and Eve has not been retracted.
            7. Children have the right to be born into a family that has a mother and a father—which means they have the right to remain in a family with that same mother and father.
            8. Married couples should be completely faithful to each other, physically, mentally and emotionally.
            9. Mothers and Fathers have different roles in the family, but they must work together as equal partners to be effective.
            10. The family is the fundamental unit of society.

Sixteen years ago, the Prophet of the church was concerned about how the world views marriage and families.  Today, our leaders are still concerned.  Sister Beck said in an address given to seminary and institute teachers in 2009 and which was printed in the Ensign this past March:

Evidence is all around us that the family is becoming less important. Marriage rates are declining, the age of marriage is rising, and divorce rates are rising. Out-of-wedlock births are growing.  Abortion is rising and becoming increasingly legal.  We see lower birth rates. We see unequal relationships between men and women. . . .  Many times a career gains importance over the family.

Many of our youth are losing confidence in the institution of families. They’re placing more and more value on education and less and less importance on forming an eternal family.  Many don’t see forming families as a faith-based work.  For them, it’s a selection process much like shopping.  Many also distrust their own moral strength and the moral strength of their peers.  Because temptations are so fierce, many are not sure they can be successful in keeping covenants.

Unfortunately we are not only seeing these trends in the world, but we are also seeing them in the LDS culture.

So what does that mean to you?

This is what this should mean—

We cannot follow the trends of the world and how they view the family.  You need to learn about and support the doctrine of the family—read & study the proclamation.  Read chapter 1 in handbook 2 found on the church web site.

You need to do all you can to find a mate—how do you do that?  By dating, by getting yourself out there to meet people of the opposite sex and talking to them, by being involved in ward and stake activities, by attending church meetings, by working and going to school.

You need to keep your baptismal covenants and for those of you that have been to the temple, you need to keep the covenants made in the temple—which means you have complete sexual abstinence before marriage and are prepared to have totally fidelity once you are married.  [Keeping those covenants all your life will greatly diminish your chances of getting a divorce.]

You must always strive for family unity by repenting and forgiving each other—both in your families now and in your future families.  In the handbook it states:  “Just as sin, mortal weaknesses, emotional hurt, and anger are conditions that separate God’s children from Him, these same conditions can separate family members from each other.”  If we are a church that believes in the atonement then we must be willing to forgive our own family members—our children and our spouses.

You need to be a good home teacher and visiting teacher and participate in family home evening.  What better way to prepare yourself to teach your own children, to be prepared to strengthen them and prepare them for a righteous life and home.

You need to read from the Book of Mormon daily, say your prayers twice a day, follow the council in the for strength of youth pamphlet, have a current temple recommend and use it and act and not be acted upon.  If those don’t sound familiar then I hope it’s because your new in our stake—these are the things our stake presidency asks us to do.

Anyone who knows me well knows that my family is the most important thing in my life.  Kim and I have done our best to raise our four daughters to be obedient faithful daughters of God.  We set rules and boundaries we expected them to live by as they were growing up. We treated them with respect and expected the same in return.  We have tried to develop relationships through many activities together.  We still do things together.  We celebrate holidays and birthdays as a family.  Even though all but one are married, we still have family dinner together every Sunday.  It is the highlight of my week.  We try to have a family vacation every 3 to 4 years.  This is our year!  We are all excited and can’t wait for our Disney-World trip in November.   It is things like this that help keep our family strong.   The proclamation says, Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.”

We have got to be strong in defending families.
We have got to set the example—we have to have children & teach them and love them.
I have a testimony of the importance of the family.
We have to do all we can to have strong families.
We have to always be on the look-out for those “planes” that are sneaking up and trying to destroy our family.

Please stand up and defend the families throughout your life—and show the world your testimony of families by the way you have and treat and raise your own family. 

The Church is true. 
The doctrine of the family is the plan of happiness and salvation. 
It is through families that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father and with those we love. 
We are a blessed people. 
Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. 

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