Monday, January 2, 2012


So sometime in October, I was sitting in Sacrament meeting listening to the new high councilor and his wife bear their testimonies and I had an over whelming impression that it was time to be released.  Pres. Mullen had told me he didn't really want to release me after Kim was called to be the Bishop and I told him I was good with that as well.  Several people  had felt like I should be released, that it was asking too much to be the Bishop's wife and the Stake Relief Society President.  I felt fine with doing both.  But that Sunday when the feelings came so strongly, I starting to cry--just a little, after all I was in Sacrament meeting.  I talked to Pres. Heaton who just happened to be in attendance at the meeting that morning.  He told me I should talk to Pres. Mullen.  He was one that thought I should be released all along.  I went home and prayed about it and cried about it (maybe bawled a little) and then I shot an email to Pres. Mullen, who was out of town.  He responded that he would go to work on it.  We had Stake Council on the 16th and Pres. Mullen announced that it would be my last council meeting because I would be released before the next meeting. Well, when November 6th came along and time for stake council, I had not been released.  But during the meeting, in which Pres. Mullen was absent to, Pres. Mullen came in with Sister Elaine Russell and announced that she would be sustained that day as the new Stake Relief Society President.  I bore my testimony.  I met with Elaine later that day and turned everything over to her.  My heart was still yearning for that calling, but I knew it was time to let someone else have the experience.  It was hard for a couple of weeks.  I kept thinking about the different ward presidencies and missing my association with them and with my presidency.  It was an amazing two years.  I learned so much.  I think the thing I learned the most was that the spirit talks to you.  The Lord qualifies those that are called.  He does not leave you alone.  My testimony was strengthened and I know that I can receive personal revelation.  I've had experiences where I know how that feels.  I know that God loves me.  I am grateful for the chance I had to serve.  I have rubbed shoulders with some pretty amazing girls.

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