Sunday, April 3, 2011

Be Thou an Example of the Believers

In September of 2009, before I was called to be the Stake Relief Society President, I was asked to give a talk in the 42nd ward where my husband, Kim, was serving as the High Counselor over this ward.  This is the talk that I gave.  My first official talk in the BYU 22nd Stake.

I serve in a Stake YW Presidency in my home stake and throughout this year we have focused everything we have done on the mutual theme scripture in 1 Timothy 4:12  “Be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in faith, in spirit, in charity, in purity.”  I have grown to love this scripture and feel like we can all learn so much from it. I’ve learned to love Esther this year.  She stood up for what she believed in regardless of what the consequences would be.  She was an example of the believers… in her word, in her faith, in spirit, in charity.
     I’d like to review her story with you.  Esther was an orphan.  She was raised by her adult cousin, Mordecai.  When she was a young woman the queen of the land was dismissed for not attending a ball that the King had held.  So the King was in need of a new queen.  He asked for all the available maidens to come to his palace so that he might choose a new queen.  Mordecai felt that his cousin, Esther, should go before the King.  She was obedient and went.  I’m assuming this was some kind of a process that maybe took months because we read in Esther 2:17 “And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight … so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen”.
      Esther was a Jew, but Mordecai had suggested that she not disclose this information to the king.  Mordecai worked in the palace and one of the King’s men, Haman,  did not like the way that Mordecai worshipped and so he went to the king and asked  if he could have all the Jews exterminated.  Not really caring because he did not realize that Esther was Jewish, he gave Haman permission to carry out his plan.  When Mordecai heard this news, he immediately went to Esther and told her she must go before the King and ask him to take back this decree.  Esther was frightened, for the queen was not allowed to go before the King uninvited.  Mordecai said to Esther, “Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, if you say or do nothing and think only of yourself . . . thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esth. 4:13,14).   So Esther had a huge dilemma. She most likely was living a life of luxury—with servants that probably were waiting on her.  She had an easy life.  If she goes before the king she could loose everything and possibly even her life. If she doesn’t her people including her family will be killed.  But Esther knew her role, she knew who she was and she knew her Heavenly Father and decided she must try to save her people.  She asked Mordecai to gather all the Jews and ask them to fast and pray for her for 3 days.  Esther and her handmaids did the same. Esther gathered her courage and she said, “I [will] go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.”  She went forth to do what she knew was right. She went to the King’s court.  When King Ahasuerus saw her, he held out his golden scepter, which meant she could come forth.  Esther than invited the King to come to a feast where she unveiled Haman’s plot.  The king took back the decree, gave honor to Mordecai, Haman was hung and the Jews were saved.

I love that story because we can learn so much from it.  I’ve listed a few things that stood out to me:
1—Fast and prayer were used to help Esther. . I believe Esther was use to fasting and prayer and that is why she immediately called on her people to fast and pray for her.  It was not a new concept for her.  I picked up the RS lesson schedule last Sunday and noticed on the back the goals of  Pres. Mullen and noticed he has on there to pray everyday.  Our stake president in our home stake has what he calls the 2 by 4 plan and the first thing on it is to pray every day.  He also lists fasting and that we should fast every month.  We can and should fast and pray to know what God would have us to do in our lives.  We need to fast and pray that we will have the faith we need to live His gospel.

2—Trust our parents and listen to their counsel.  Esther listened to Mordecai, even though she was a grown woman and the Queen.  She still had great respect and honor for the man that had raised her.  I remember reading many times in the book of mormon, different prophets who call their families together before they die, and give them counsel as to what they need to be doing in their lives.  They were old men and their children were grown men as well, yet they still gave them advise and righteous sons listened and followed. 

3—Courage to stand up for what we know is right and do what we know we should. Esther had to have so much courage to go before the King, even when she thought she could loose her life.   Pres. Monson said to the young women last March, “although there have always been challenges in the world, many of those which you face are unique to this time. But you are some of our Heavenly Father’s strongest children, and He has saved you to come to the earth “for such a time as this.”  With His help, you will have the courage to face whatever comes. Though the world may at times appear dark, you have the light of the gospel, which will be as a beacon to guide your way.”  What better hope can you have then these words from our prophet.  The gospel gives us courage and strength.  Sister Kathryn Hughes said in the December 2006 Ensign, “I … know that putting aside our fears and exercising faith by responding to our Heavenly Father’s request will bring us great blessings and confidence.”  We must have courage to live our lives the way we should.

4—Be prepared spiritually and willing to do whatever the Lord has planned for you.  Brother Roper didn’t call Pres. Mullen and say, I’d like to help out in your stake.  Put me to work.  That’s not the way it happens.  How did that happen—Pres. Shaw, our home Stake President, gave Pres. Mullen names of worthy men who could serve in this stake.  The stake presidency prayed about these names, interviewed Brother Roper, and then prayed again. And then issued a call to him.  The call came because of the will of the Lord.  Brother Roper was prepared to accept that call.  The same similar process I’m sure, happened with the call of Kyle Bunker to be the Elders Quorum president in this ward. I was privileged to sit in on the setting apart of my husband for his new calling, and afterwards the settings apart of the new Elder’s quorum presidency.  In all 4 settings apart, it was mentioned the importance of these men to read their scriptures daily, have daily prayer and attend the temple regularly.  What better way to be spiritually prepared for any callings or any challenges that come your way.  Read your scriptures, pray daily, and attend the temple.

5—Serve others.  Esther may have been the Queen and was probably use to being served.  But she put aside her selfish desires and served others.  Think not of yourself but think what can you do for someone else.  We have been promised that if we do, we will find true happiness and joy. 

6—Trust in the Lord.  Esther put all her trust in the Lord when she said, "I will go and do this thing and if I perish I perish."  How many of us are willing to submit all that we have to do the Lord’s will.  Mormon said, “Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power?” (Morm. 5:23).
 I love the scripture that says “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” (Prov. 3:5.)  He wants us to be successful.  He wants us to be happy.  He will not leave us alone if we will but ask and trust.  We must do all that we can and let Him take up the slack.

We, like Esther, were put on this earth for a such a time as this.  Our Heavenly Father knew our spirits before we came here.  He knew the character we had developed and He has a plan for us.  We need faith and commitment to find out what that is.  Read your patriarchal blessing. Hopefully all of you have already have one and  if you don’t, you need to see the Bishop and see about getting one.  Then you need to read, study & ponder that blessing. This is your liahona, it’s your GPS.  It will show you how to live your lives and what you need to do. 

We live in a world where we are increasingly becoming divided from the world.  We have to make a stand and decide where to we want to go.  Fast and pray, listen to your parents and leaders, no matter what age you are, have courage, prepare, serve others, trust in the Lord and be an example of the believers. 

The Gospel is true—this is the church of JESUS CHRIST—we are led by a prophet—the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.

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