Saturday, April 9, 2011

Please Have Faith!

Looking back through my files, it appears that I was pretty busy in January 2010.  Thank goodness ward conferences were over.  I gave a talk in the 42nd ward.  I found another talk that I wrote, but never felt good about it and gave this one instead.

      A little over a week ago I was driving home thinking about you here and what I should talk about and the thought came to me that you are at a great time in your life.  You are young.  You are making decisions for yourself and right now pretty much just for yourselves.  It’s a little bit of a selfish time in your life because you aren’t responsible for anyone but yourselves.  Because you do only have you to take care of, it’s a great time to prepare for the future, for the day when you will have others to take care of.  This is a time to become a better you.  Many of you are doing that by going to school.  This is a time for you to prepare to meet God and a time to become more like Jesus Christ.  Now is the time for you to learn and to grow in many aspects and areas of your life.   Since this is a great time of your life I ask you, what are you doing with your time?  
      Pres. Uctdorf said, “Pause for a moment and check where your own heart and thoughts are. Are you focused on the things that matter most? How you spend your quiet time may provide a valuable clue. Where do your thoughts go when the pressure of deadlines is gone? Are your thoughts and heart focused on those short-lived fleeting things that matter only in the moment or on things that matter most?. . . Sometimes the things that distract us are not bad in and of themselves; often they even make us feel good.”

What do you need to be doing in your lives TODAY?

         1. Get an education
Pres. Hinckley said to Be Smart.  “The Lord wants you to educate your minds and hands, whatever your chosen field. Whether it be repairing refrigerators, or the work of a skilled surgeon, you must train yourselves. Seek for the best schooling available. Become a workman of integrity in the world that lies ahead of you. I repeat, you will bring honor to the Church and you will be generously blessed because of that training.”
         Many of you are working on that and many of you have graduated and have “accomplished” that so to speak.  I’m grateful that I graduated from college.  I’m grateful my husband graduated from college as well.  All of my daughters have done the same.  It makes me proud of them.  Remember, too, that all through your life you can continue to learn and grow in knowledge.  Bro. Roper told me just yesterday how his PTA president’s husband takes a class at the BYU center in Salt Lake City every semester.  What a great thing to do!  We should always be life long learners.

      D&C 130: 18
  18 Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.

         2.  Help and Serve Others
When we were baptized we made a covenant “to bear one another’s burdens… and to mourn with those that morn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort. . . at all times and in all things and in all places.”  (Mos. 18: 8-9)  We have a great example of service from our prophet, Thomas S. Monson.
      Bishop H. David Burton in the Nov. 2008 CES fireside said this, “President Monson’s life gives us a pattern to follow in our own lives. This is particularly true in what I call his private ministry. His public ministry, on the other hand, is an open book, filled with outstanding service at the ward, stake, mission, and general Church levels. I doubt there has been anyone in this dispensation more devoted to each of his ecclesiastical assignments than President Thomas S. Monson.
      From time to time we get a glimpse into his private ministry. Serving, being concerned, reaching out and blessing the one, and offering encouragement and comfort—these are all integral parts of his private ministry.”

      There are opportunities for us to serve all around. We should all take the opportunity to serve whenever the Bishop gives us a calling.  I did not seek out my calling as a stake Relief Society President.  In fact I was quite enjoying my calling in my home stake in the young women’s.  But when the call came, I answered.  And here I am.  

       Private service does not have to be a big thing.  Right now there is a huge need for help in Haiti.  Probably non of us are able to fly there and offer a helping hand in cleaning up the rubble, but probably all of us could find $5 to give to the church so the church can send medical supplies, water, tents, newborn kits, blankets, and so forth. The first presidency has asked all who can to financially make donations in behalf of the Haitian people.  Any donations we are able to make are a sacrifice to help those who are more needy than ourselves.

      Sister Beck told a story at a training that I went to a couple of months ago.  I don’t remember exactly how the story went but she said she stopped by a young mother’s home in her ward.  The visiting teachers were there giving her the monthly message.  Her husband was out of work because of a physical mishap.  She had 2 or 3 preschool age children.  They were running around the house, dirty dishes were piled up in the kitchen. The house was a wreck.  Sister Beck said this young mother didn’t need a spiritual message.  She needed a helping hand.  She immediately went into the kitchen and began doing dishes while this sister’s visiting teachers continued giving their message.

      All we need to do is open our eyes and then open our hands and our hearts.  There are many people that need our help.  It may be a listening ear.  It may be a trip to the creamery for an ice cream cone.  It may be a plate of food for dinner.  It may be your friendship that is needed.  It may be a toilet that needs to be plunged and cleaned.    Service isn’t always convenient or pretty.  But I guarantee that it is always appreciated. 

         3.  Strengthen your testimonies
We can do this by following the counsel of Pres. Mullen.  EVERYDAY you should be reading your scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon.  I know from experience that this will strengthen you SO much!  Several years ago I took on Pres. Hinkley’s challenge in the fall to read the entire Book of Mormon before the end of the year.  I admit I had a hard time getting started.  In fact I was very late in getting started, but once I was committed to it, I read the Book of Mormon within a 4 month period.  It changed my life.  I felt the spirit of God with me stronger than I ever had before.  It made me want to live the gospel every day—not that I wasn’t living the gospel but I felt differently.  Ever since I have tried more diligently to read my scriptures every day.  President Heaton said in our last stake council meeting that a day should never go by where we aren’t reading from the Book of Mormon.  Even if it’s just a verse or two, and that should only be on occasion.

      We also strengthen our testimonies by praying morning and night.  Our prayers need to be consistent and sincere.  If we will remember that our Heavenly Father loves us and is just waiting for us to come to him, then we will not hesitate to call on him for his help and guidance in our lives.  He will strengthen us so we will be able to make good choices.  We may on occasion only offer a prayer of gratitude.  We are a blessed people so it should not be hard to find many things we can thank our Heavenly Father for!!

       Attend the temple as often as possible.  Take advantage of the ward temple nights, even if you’re not endowed you can go and do baptisms.  It’s always easier to go to the temple if you have someone to go with.  When it’s the ward temple night, then you know you won’t be there by yourself.  It’s a great way to meet others.  Offer to drive a car full of your neighbors.  That’s another opportunity to serve!

         4.  Find an eternal mate.
 In Moses 3:18 we read:  “And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten, that it was not good that the man should be alone; wherefore, I will make an help meet for him”

      The Lord does not want you to be alone. Elder Tingey said at a CES Fireside in Jan. 2008
       "Occasionally we meet members, including young single adults, who have heard of, seen, or been members of families where a temple marriage did not bring happiness and was canceled. Not wanting to experience that possible result, and in fear of making a mistake, some shy away from the responsibilities of marriage, and particularly of a temple marriage.
      Tonight I plead with you not to allow the actions of others to deter you from making righteous decisions and following eternal patterns. Satan, who does not desire your happiness or eternal progression, would put fear and doubt in your mind to convince you that you should not attempt to seek a helpmeet who could bring you eternal companionship and joy. Brothers and sisters, have faith, not fear, and be worthy to enter holy temples.
       Try not to delay marriage where opportunity is available. Do not seek for perfection in a companion. Generally, perfection does not exist. Remember, you are not perfect. Instead seek for a husband or wife who will grow with you to perfection."

You can do this by:

1.  Dating and “not just hanging out” as we have been counseled more than once by apostles of the Lord.  
2.  Make yourself physically appealing.  Guys, keep your hair trimmed and yourselves well groomed.  Girls, put on some makeup and do your hair every day.  Even though it’s what’s inside that counts, you’ve got to get the attention of someone by first having them notice you in a positive way.  Dress fashionably but modestly.  
3.  Girls, you might have to do a little flirting.  I guess you guys could flirt too.   You might want to send a plate of cookies to someone you are interested in.  My stake Relief Society secretary told the story how there was a girl in her ward that would make cookies or something and deliver them to a different apartment each time.  Almost every time she would make this treat, she would end up with a date.  The guys in the apartment all thought, did she send that for me?  Invite a whole house of guys or girls over for dinner to get to know them and see if there is someone you could date.  
5. Guys, when you see something in a girl that interests you, ask her out.  If there is even just a little bit of interest, ask her out again to see if there may be something more there. 

      As I mentioned at the beginning of my talk, this is a great time of your life.  Take advantage of it.  Prepare for the many wonderful things you have to look forward to by strengthening your testimonies, helping others, getting your education and last but definitely not least, finding an eternal mate.

      May I close with another quote from Elder Tingey,  “Please have faith, and join that faith with works. The Lord is aware of you as individuals and of your particular circumstances. He will bless you. He will assist you in bringing to pass that which is right and which you righteously desire. Please have faith!”

      I know that as you put your trust in the Lord and let Him guide you not only now in this stage of your life, but always, that you will have great joy and have the blessings of Heaven poured out upon you.

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